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Marble Dental McKinney Blog

Staying the Course: 4 Reasons to Wear Your Retainer

December 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — marbledental @ 11:19 am
Close-up of a young girl wearing a retainer

Once you wrap up an orthodontic treatment, you may want to put it behind you. That’s a common feeling – most patients would prefer to enjoy their newly-aligned smile. Even so, you must wear your retainer after the procedure is over; the device has many vital benefits. Your McKinney dentist has even stopped by to prove these facts to you. With that said, here are four reasons you should wear a retainer when you’ve finished an orthodontic treatment.


My Dental Implant Doesn’t Have Nerves, So Why Does It Feel Sensitive?

November 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — marbledental @ 12:12 am
Lady has oral pain

The dental community holds dental implants to be the best way to replace lost teeth because they look, feel, and work just like the real thing. This allows them to provide a wealth of physical and psychological health benefits that traditional restorations cannot deliver. While implants are incredibly lifelike, they do not possess the nerves necessary to send discomfort signals to the brain, so it might seem strange if your new teeth feel sensitive. Here’s why this can happen and how the problem can be addressed.


How to Have a Happy Halloween with ClearCorrect

October 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — marbledental @ 4:27 pm
A person holding two handfuls of candy corn.

If you have ClearCorrect aligners, you may be worried about how to handle all those tasty treats this Halloween. After all, grazing the snack table all night at that spooky soiree will most likely cause you to exceed your two-hour aligner free time. So, what’s a “ghoul” to do? Whether you’re going door to door or spending your evening at a monster bash, here are some tips for handling Halloween treats with ClearCorrect!


The Relationship Between Sleep Deprivation and Unwanted Thoughts

August 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — marbledental @ 11:07 pm
Man with intrusive thoughts

It isn’t uncommon for anyone to have an unwanted thought pop into their head now and again. For the majority of people, these thoughts disappear quickly. However, if you’ve noticed these thoughts becoming repetitive, uncontrollable, and distressing, you could have another issue going on. A factor that could be contributing to intrusive thoughts is sleep deprivation, often caused by sleep apnea. Read on to learn more about unwanted thoughts and how sleep apnea treatment may help to reduce them.


Building Better Bridges: How Long Does a Dental Bridge Last?

July 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — marbledental @ 8:50 pm
Patient smiling with their dental bridges

If you need to replace a missing tooth or two, why not bridge the gap? Dental bridges are a popular and economical solution for replacing missing teeth, helping to restore both the look and feel of your grin. However, once you invest in your smile, you may wonder how long you can expect your bridge to last. There are several factors that can affect your new prosthetic, affecting its lifespan. Continue reading to learn more about them and how you can keep your bridge around for the long haul.


How to Master the Art of Eating with Dentures

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — marbledental @ 11:09 pm
Senior woman holding an apple and gesturing with a thumbs-up

Enjoying a good meal is one of those simple pleasures in life. If you’re new to dentures, however, this activity might not be so easy. Although they mimic natural teeth pretty well, they still feel different than what you’re used to. Maybe they’ve even slipped a time or two!

It wouldn’t take long for this to become frustrating. Fortunately, there are some training tips that can help you master the art of eating with dentures. You’ll still need some patience, but you might be surprised with the results!


Denture Adhesive Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — marbledental @ 4:30 pm
A tube of denture adhesive and dentures

One of the main difficulties for patients who wear dentures is their stability. Often, their prosthetics will slip at an inopportune moment, causing embarrassment. Denture adhesive can be a game-changer for denture wearers, providing extra security and comfort. So, if you’re new to using denture adhesive or want to ensure you’re doing it right, continue reading. You’ll find everything you need to know to secure your smile.


AI Revolutionizes Early Gum Disease Detection

March 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — marbledental @ 11:11 pm

Healthy gums compared to gingivitis Tooth decay is not the only threat to your dental health. Gum disease is equally devastating, but a new study offers promising results for detecting the oral infection early. The Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) made a groundbreaking discovery with the detection of early gum disease (gingivitis) using artificial intelligence (AI). With at least 50% of adults having a form of gum disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the cutting-edge technology can allow for early detection to stop the infection in its tracks. Here’s how you can avoid tooth loss and improve your wellness using the latest technologies to keep your gums healthy.


Sudden Solutions: 3 Tips to Find an Emergency Dentist

February 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — marbledental @ 4:59 pm
Man in gray shirt holding jaw in pain

Despite our best efforts to keep our smiles safe, no one can anticipate when a dental emergency might occur. Whether you’ve cracked a tooth or have a throbbing ache that won’t go away, sometimes you need help fast. If you’re not sure who to call, it’s easy to feel flustered and overwhelmed. Fortunately, your dentist has put together the following list of 3 helpful tips to find the right assistance when you need it!


Are Dental Implants Right for Me? 3 Qualities of a Good Candidate

November 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — marbledental @ 5:11 pm
Dentist holding model dental implant with gloved hands

Dental implants are considered by many to be the best of the best when it comes to tooth restoration techniques. They provide unique benefits over other options like dentures or dental bridges. They’re the only method that includes a support rod that’s inserted directly into your jaw. Eventually, the bone fuses with it so it functions like a root. That means it looks and functions more like a natural tooth.

That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best choice for everyone, though. This treatment involves a surgical procedure and other considerations so it’s important for your dentist to first identify whether it’s feasible for you. Keep reading to learn about 3 of the characteristics of a good dental implant candidate.

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