Why Dental Implants Fail Sometimes and How to Prevent it
December 7, 2019

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Americans have lost an average of 12 permanent teeth by the time they’re 50 years old, and 26% of adults between the ages 65 and 74 have lost all their teeth. The most popular, lifelike, and effective way to replace these missing teeth are with dental implants. These prosthetic teeth improve everything from chewing and speaking, to tooth spacing and oral health, and even bone structure! On top of all those benefits, one of the biggest reasons dental implants are so widespread is how likely they are to succeed: it’s estimated that they have a 98% success rate! However, they’re not perfect. Although unlikely, some dental implants do fail. You can avoid a failed dental implant in McKinney by learning what could cause one and how to prevent it!