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Marble Dental McKinney Blog

Use Your Benefits with a Dentist in McKinney Before New Year’s

November 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — marbledental @ 10:13 pm

Dental insurance paper.Did you know that each year, billions in dental insurance benefits dollars are wasted? If you have dental insurance, you could be one of the millions of Americans who don’t use their insurance benefits to their fullest potential. Most dental insurance plans have a deadline at the end of the year, so if you haven’t used your benefits before January 1st, they’re gone forever. Keep reading to discover why it’s so important to use your insurance benefits before the end of the year with a dentist in McKinney.


Do You Know When to Call an Emergency Dentist in McKinney?

November 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — marbledental @ 6:10 pm

Woman with toothacheIf you are playing a game of football and get seriously injured or fall from a ladder and break your ankle, you know to immediately to seek medical care at an urgent care office or emergency room. However, what if you wake up with a throbbing toothache? Or severely chip your tooth while trying to open a package with your teeth? Accidents can happen when you least expect them, so it is important to be prepared for when they do occur. Here is an essential guide from an emergency dentist in McKinney on how to handle common dental emergencies.

5-Star Dentist in McKinney You Can Trust

September 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — marbledental @ 6:46 pm

woman at dentistTo keep your teeth and gums healthy, it takes a proactive approach to promote your oral hygiene. While brushing and flossing at home are important, they are not enough. You also need a great dentist in McKinney by your side over the years to help you develop and maintain a healthy smile. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find the perfect dental office because you have unique needs and expectations. To get the high-quality care that you deserve, it is time to benefit from the 5-star dentist at Marble Dental Care.

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