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Celebrating our 5th Anniversary
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Marble Dental Turns 5!

We Couldn’t Have Done It Without You

And just like that, Marble Dental is celebrating our 5 th anniversary of serving McKinney. While Dr. Hegazin, Dr. Koro, and every member of our team worked extremely hard to get here, we know it wouldn’t have been possible without YOU, our wonderful patients.

From the very beginning, we wanted Marble Dental to be a community-focused practice that not only helped individuals, but uplifted McKinney as a whole by making it easier for residents to achieve and maintain attractive, healthy smiles.

We’re so happy that we’ve been given the opportunity to learn, grow, and evolve over the past five years, and we just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who visited us and referred their friends and family. We’re all looking forward to the future and know that even better and brighter smiles are ahead!

Little girl with face paint at anniversary event Four men one woman and a little boy smiling in a row Little boy receiving tiger face paint Little girl having her face painted Three men standing outside a dental office Dental team members standing in front of balloons for celebration The words Thank You Marble Dental on a board Girl with yellow shirt and face paint Two men and little boy smiling in front of balloons Paintbrushes and paints used for face painting Putting tattoo on woman's arm Woman laughing and walking through parking lot Parents with child smiling in parking lot Woman in black shirt getting a tattoo Multiple people gathered in front of Marble Dental and cheering Dental team members wearing shirts with tooth symbols on them Two men sitting at a table in a parking lot Little girl sitting in a chair with her face painted Two women and a man with black shirts with tooth icons Multiple people sitting on couches indoors Woman carrying a little girl wearing a tiny hat Man with hat and little boy walking through parking lot Multiple people gathered outside of a trailer Woman and little girl in dress walking through parking lot Woman and little girl playing bag toss Close-up of glass of juice on table Multiple people in line in front of dental office smiling Three brochures sitting on a blanket Five people sitting on couches near table with flowers Top of child's head as they're having their face painted Little girl closing her eyes while her face is being painted Three men standing in front of dental practice Close up of little girl with green and purple dress as well as butterfly face paint Three adults and little boy standing in front of celebratory sign Dental team having picture taken outside of Marble Dental Six people sitting on couches and smiling Little girl about to toss beanbag while woman watches Close-up of bulletin board that has Thank You Marble Dental written on it Little girl with unicorn horn and ears painted on forehead Man and woman holding little boy between them Little girl with face pain standing in front of trailer Close-up of little girl with face pain outside trailer Two men and a little boy in front of some balloons Pulled back shot of paints and brushes Far shot of two trailers with people walking around Woman talking to man holding a child Two women facing each other and holding hoops Two men and a woman standing together in a parking lot Blue paper bags sitting on a table outdoors Multiple smiling people sitting on couches in dental office Happy little girl with multicolored dress and face paint Close-up of man pouring a drink into a cup Three women talking in parking lot outside of dental office Four women standing and smiling under a tent together Man pouring a drink into a glass Laughing little girl with green and purple dress Man with patterned shirt and woman with shirt that has tooth on it Three women with matching dental shirts in parking lot Close-up of the words Marble Dental on front of dental practice Dental team members talking to older person with glasses and striped shirt Little boy with red shirt and tiger facepaint Girl with rainbow on forehead giving another girl face paint Two kids with face paint smiling together Little girl with mother playing beanbag toss in parking lot Man and woman with little boy smiling together at celebration of dental practice's anniversary Angled shot of table with tools for face painting Multiple people participating in celebration outside of Marble Dental Far shot of beanbag toss game being set up Woman putting face paint on little girl Message Congrats Marble Dental Care on blue curtain surrounded by balloons Close-up of little boy in parking lot Side view of boy having face painted Man smiling with arms folded in front of Marble Dental Man pouring drink for woman at outdoor table Far shot of woman in parking lot between two trailers Two men standing outside of trailer with door open We Heart Marble Dental written on parking lot with chalk Woman with black shirt with tooth on it in front of Marble Dental Overhead shot of stations for face paint and tattoos Far shot of celebration happening in front of Marble Dental Two women holding food in parking lot Three well-dressed people in front of door to dental office Little boy drawing on parking lot with chalk Man pushing stroller and greeting woman Three people standing in parking lot in front of Marble Dental Man holding little boy in front of door to dental office Three people standing at side of trailer Woman with blonde hair walking through parking lot Little boy sitting in chair while woman paints his face Close up of woman holding little boy while wearing matching shirts People walking in line parking lot Women gathered around table working on project Close up of little boy receiving tiger face paint Dental team wearing matching shirts gathered in front of dental office Angled shot of Marble Dental Man with hat hugging woman from side Man and two women standing outside dental office and smiling Older man with arms folded in front of Marble Dental Blue curtain with words that read Congrats Marble Dental Care Man with shirt that has bowtie printed on it Woman holding son and talking to other woman over table with gifts on it Multiple people gathered in front of dental office Dental team in matching shirts gathered for group picture Close up of man making fruit drinks Four women standing behind table with gifts on it Man in light pink shirt standing in parking lot outside of dental office Woman carrying blue plate through parking lot Woman looking over shoulder while walking through parking lot Woman holding drink over counter from inside food truck Three people with matching dental themed shirts Four women standing behind a crowded table Two people standing in front of some balloons Girl and woman about to play beanbag toss Man standing behind table holding cup Pouring some tea into a cup People talking and laughing at outdoor celebration in parking lot Man and woman in front of Congrats Marble Dental Care banner Man with sunglasses carrying his son Little boy looking up and having his face painted Head-on shot of two men playing beanbag toss Family in parking lot in front of dental office Close-up of man carrying his son Far shot of man and woman standing in front of banner Orange food truck trailer hooked up to pickup Three people standing in line in parking lot Three women wearing glasses smiling in parking lot Balloons and banner that reads Congrats Marble Dental Care Man taking a snow cone from a food truck People eating and speaking at table under event umbrella Smiling man with sunglasses carrying small child Angled shot of trailer with sign that says snow cone People waiting in line for snow cones Man holding little boy's hand and walking through parking lot Woman holding two hoops in parking lot Two women hugging from side in parking lot Far shot of trailer where snow cones are served Multiple parents carrying their children Shot of Marble Dental with celebration happening in front
Ask Dr. Hegazin Any questions? We’re ready to help.
Marble Dental Care